Texas Ranch Outfitters is a dealer for Purina Mills, and has access to a full line of Purina Feeds, as well as their nutritionists and wildlife biologists.
We are currently servicing over 50 ranches in the Central Texas area that encompasses over 60,000 acres. We can service your feeders on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. We can also deliver and setup feeders on your property if your just getting started.
Feeding protein will allow you to see a definite increase in antler development as well as an improvement in the overall health of you deer herd. In most cases protein should be fed throughout the year. Keeping protein out in the non-growing season will sustain body condition through the winter months and allow maximum potential for the growing season.
Wildlife tax exemptions require the ranch to already have 1-d-1 Open Space Agriculture Valuation, as well as a wildlife management plan that must be approved by your counties Central Appraisal District. Texas Ranch Outfitters will create a specific plan for your ranch and assist you in getting it approved & implemented. Wildlife tax exemptions are a great tool ranch owners can use in order to minimize property taxes.
Wildlife management plans offer landowners a concrete plan that can be referred to whenever needed. Plans can be tailored to meet long or short term goals depending on your needs. If any TPWD programs are of interest (MLDP, DMP, LAMPS, etc.) management plans are required by TPWD.
Census counts are essential for any landowner or hunter. Maintaining proper stocking ratios is critical to the health and vitality of your deer herd. The optimal stocking rate for your ranch must be determined. We will either conduct a series of 3 spotlight counts (generally in August), or complete a helicopter survey and evaluate your ranch to determine the optimal stocking rate and calculate your harvest recommendations for the upcoming season. This information is also required by Texas Parks and Wildlife to obtain and keep Managed Land Deer Permits (MLDP).
Texas Ranch Outfitters can build a custom map of your ranch. All ranch and wildlife management should begin with mapping. Mapping allows you to more easily determine the areas that need attention. Mapping will identify areas for brush management and sendero construction as well as determine proper placement for blinds and feeders. Texas Ranch Outfitters can build a custom map of your ranch.
Texas Ranch Outfitters currently carries the following products :Boss Game Syetems, Outback Wildlife Feeders, Texas Wildlife Supply, Moore Maker Inc..Ultramatic Feeders, West Texas Feeder Supply, Big Bend Trailers & Interstate Batteries.
Texas Ranch Outfitters offers delivery and setup on all hunting products that we carry. Call for current inventory and pricing.
Practicing good range management techniques will greatly benefit your land, wildlife, livestock, and your overall enjoyment of the ranch. Finding the proper food plot locations on your ranch, managing brush, or conducting prescribed burns are just a few ways to improve the habitat and the value of your ranch. Texas Ranch Outfitters will assist you in selecting the most effective range management techniques for your operation.
Texas Ranch Outfitters is now certified by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to design your pens, complete the necessary TPWD Application for Deer Breeder Permit, and assit you with herd management. One of the most important factors in your breeder operation are the handling facilities & breeder pens. A set of well designed breeder pens causes less stress on your herd and easier handling for you.